A Guide Book of Invasive Plant Species in Indonesia

Statistik Kehutanan

This book is produced for users of various back ground to enable them to identify
invasive alien plant species in Indonesia. The book includes 362 plant species from 73 families that was collected and identified from all over parts of the region in Indonesia.

This book may represent the first phase of mapping the distribution of invasive alien species project, Removing Barriers to Invasive Species Management in Production and Protection Forest of South East Asis (FORIS), which was officially started on September 2012 and will be ended in December 2015.
All plants described in this guide book are alien speces and they can also be found elsewhere in Southeast Asia region. Almost all have been introduced to Southeast Asia, either intentionally or unintensionally. Some have been naturalized such as Imperata cylindrica or “alang alang” that are capable of reproducing and spreading without human intervention. Several species are most common weed to agriculture and some of them can be very damaging to agriculture land. Although some farmer in particular area still consider some weed species as benign or not too disturbing but in other areas, these species can be so
damaging to the environment and causes problems.

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Anda akan meninggalkan halaman website Balai Kliring Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia,

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Menuju ke : http://kkji.kp3k.kkp.go.id/index.php/basisdata-kawasan-konservasi

Anda akan meninggalkan halaman website Balai Kliring Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia,

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Menuju ke : http://ejournal.lipi.go.id/